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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Snatcher System : Sega CD Date Added : 2005-02-03 12:18:58 Views : 21280 Programmer information Select the "Load I.D. file" option on the Jordan computer, then enter one of the following names to view a profile from the corresponding Konami employee. ADACHI CHRISTIAN FUJIO FURUKAWA HARUKI HAYASAKA IMAI INAMURA INOUE JEREMY JONATHAN KASAI KATHLEEN KATHY KEVIN KIMBERLEYKIRITA KOJIMA KUSHIBUCHI MARK MARLYSE MATSUHANA MICHAEL MIKE MORI MURAOKA AKAMURA NOSE OOTA OTANI PETER SAITOU SASAKI SINOHARA TOGO XYLA Programmer messages Select the "Use Metal Gear" option, then use the Videophone. Dial "34-5678" to view a message from one of the game's programmers. For other messages, dial the following numbers. 41-6766 (Jeremy Blaustein) 34-5678 (Taeko Hayasaka ) 44-3723 (Hideo Inamura) 33-3333 (Satoshi Kushibuchi) 84-6736 (Keizo Nakamura) 79-6641 (Moai Sasaki) 44-6454 (Mitsuhiro Togo) Uncensored mode Select the "Load I.D. file" option on the Jordan computer. Enter "KONAMI" at the "Enter Name" prompt. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Scenes from the Japanese version of the game will be restored during game play. The changes are not significant, with exception of when Katrina steps out of the shower. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Snatcher cheat codes.
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